Sternhall Times: January




From our pharmacy team

As we are now in the winter season, it may be particularly challenging for those suffering with asthma. This is because cold air and infections like cold and flu can be a trigger for asthma symptoms for most asthmatic patients. In patients who have asthma, this can also lead to worsening of asthma control. To help avoid this, please do make sure: 

  • To keep warm - make sure the windows are closed at night, wear several layers of thinner clothes (keeps you warmer than one thick layer), make sure you’re eating enough and having hot drinks.
  • To help avoid cold and flu - make sure to wash your hands with soap and water to protect yourself from catching viruses, stay hydrated, to keep active, make sure to eat healthy - plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, try to get 8-hours of sleep and make sure your vaccines are up to date. 

If you find that you are experiencing any worsening symptoms of your asthma (increased wheezing, coughing or worsening of your breathing), please book an appointment to have your current asthma regimen reviewed.


January Awareness

  • Cervical cancer awareness month from 1st January to 31st January. Please get your smear test done when you are called up for it. It can save lives. 
  • Dry January is for the month of January from 1st January to 31st January. It’s an annul campaign for people to abstain from alcohol for the month. 
  • This month is also Walk your dog month. It raises the importance of regular exercise and outdoor activity for your dog. For more information, please follow this link.

Childhood Immunisations

Childhood immunisations:

Go to the NHS website. If you are still unsure please do book a routine appointment with the GP to discuss before making a final decision. For more information , please see this link.
More and more children are declining the MMR vaccine and are ending up sick. Please get your children vaccinated. 


January Facts

2 flowers are special to the month: carnations and snowdrops.

  • The zodiac sign is Aquarius
  • The birthstone is Garnet
  • The History Channel was launched in 1995 in January

Veganuary Month

The month long challenge doesn't have to be a battle between meat and plant eaters. It’s a great way for people of all persuasions to experiment with new foods and flavours.

Please do give it a try. For more information, please follow this link.

Published: Jan 15, 2025